Professional Counselling
🎗 List down the people you love
- How long did you take to name yourself?
You will learn why it is your right to prioritise self-love & care.
🎗 List down your fears
- Let us be the first to tell you that you're more courageous than you think.
It takes courage to look within and admit that you're not okay.
You are courageous to embark on a journey to overcome your deepest fears.
🎗 Meet & speak
- It may seem impossible to explain to others the helpless feelings you have inside, but know that you are not the only one distressed by these feelings.
Our counsellors are professionals, emphatic and dedicated, trained to listen and to reconcile you with your inner self, to honour your strengths and limitations.
🎗 Thought about anyone who needs this?
- Spread this poster and be the first to reach out to them.
You can register for counselling at this link Register here
Or send us a WhatsApp text at 8869 0754.
Hijrah team 💕
#islamiccounselling #singaporeislamicounsellin