Doing what you CAN, not what you WANT.
Islam is simple and beautiful, when you appreciate the simple things in life. You can do very little yet earn so much. Any form of social courtesy or interaction, community service, seeking knowledge, showing kindness for the sake of Allah are all forms of Ibadah.
At times, we reflect and find our 'record' of good deeds pretty basic because we only carry out the bare minimum. We compare ourselves to others and wonder if we need to do extra to earn us a higher status in the Creator’s Eyes. We crave to be in the company of knowledge-seekers and soul-searchers.
We ask Allah to place us in Jannatul Firdaus- the highest of paradise, in the company of His beloveds.
Al Batuul Series
This series, conducted in the Indonesian language, is suitable for ladies who want to excite reverence of Allah through fear and craving.
🌱How should we worship Allah?
🌱Why do we not put in more effort and make more time for our ibadah?
🌱Do we live to please Allah or to simply please our nafs?
If these questions have crossed your mind and are yet to be answered, then this series of talk will be the sweet reminder, not to take Allah's tenderness and mercy to our convenience.
The Facilitator
Ustazah Muna AlMunawwar, from Semarang, Indonesia graduated from Daruz-Zahra, Tareem, Yemen. She presents spirituality from a tough love perspective, interchangeably drawing on your heartstrings, to feel humility as Slaves of Allah, and yearning for His Love and Favour.
Join us for our next Taqwa Series talk:
- Which: "Aku Butuh" (I need),
- When: Saturday 24 Feb 2024. 5-8pm
- Where: Al-Iman Mosque. 10 Bukit Panjang Ring Road, Singapore 679943
- ✨ Register at
Join us for our next Taqwa Series talk:
- Which: "Keridhaan Dalam Pengabdian" (Redha in Servitude),
- When: Sunday 25 Feb 2024. 10am-1pm
- Where: Al-Mukminin Mosque. 271 Jurong East Street 21, Singapore 609603
- ✨ Register at ✨