Tag: asmaulhusna

Asmaul Husna

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Have you ever felt a lack of motivation to carry out our deen even after acquiring knowledge on fardhu ain and fiqh? Did it ever cross our minds that it could be because we have yet to know Allah enough to love Him with all our hearts and carry out all that He commanded?

Join us as we develop our love for Allah through learning the Asmaul Husna!

Program : Hope Workshops

Asmaul Husna (99 Names of Allah)

During this 9 - week module, you will:
🌱Learn more about Allah through his 99 Names
🌱Increase your love for Allah by knowing Him
🌱Love yourself more by developing love for Allah
🌱Be more God-conscious
🌱Connect your heart with Allah

$120 / 3 classes
Part 1: 14, 21, 28 April 2019
Part 2: 12, 19, 26 May 2019
Part 3: 16, 23, 30 June 2019

Facilitated by Ustazah Noraini Abdul Wahab
ARS certified
Candidate Phd Psychology – University Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia

Master of Counselling – Monash University
Ma’had Fatayaat Al Bu’uth Al Azhariyyah bil Qaherah
Register now at https://hijrah_asmaulhusna.eventbrite.sg/